Our vision is to help children:
– KNOW God’s Word,
– GROW in their faith with Him
– SHOW Christ’s attributes to all that they encounter
We understand that this doesn’t start here at FBC but at home! Families will find that our programs aren’t created to replace our parents/caregivers as the primary disciples of the children in their lives. They are intended to come alongside you as you faithfully disciple your kids.
“Rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Col 2:7)
Children's Church Dates
We have Children's Church (1st-5th grade) three Sundays a month during our 2nd service. They are typically the first three Sundays of each month (**note** this may change depending on volunteer availability). Please check back each month!
March 2nd
March 9th
March 16th

2025 Vacation Bible School
Save the date! VBS will be June 2–5 this year.

More about FBC Kids!
Our children’s wing is located on the southside of the building, so feel free to park on that side and walk in those south doors instead of the main entrance. If you do walk in the main entrance, no problem! Just head on down the main hallways, and the children’s check-in area is at the end and is clearly marked.
As you arrive at the children’s check-in area, there are dedicated volunteers to help you in anyway they can! If you are bringing your kids for the first time, they will walk you through the registration process, which includes gathering essential information like parent/guardian contact info and any allergies your kids may have so we know who to give allergy-friends snacks to. They will also show you how to sign in your kids. Nursery through Kindergarten will get nametags and you get a tag to bring with you when you pick your kids up, and those same volunteers will help you find their rooms.
1st-6th graders (first service Bible Hour) and 1st-5th graders (second service Children’s Church) will join you for the first couple songs in the service before they are dismissed to their teachers. As that dismissal is announced, you can walk your kids into the lobby, where you can find their teachers waiting to take them to class.
If your presence is needed during the service, a Children’s Ministry volunteers will contact you and/or come find you. At the end of the service, your kids will be waiting for you in their classrooms!
As always, we want you to feel comfortable and confident as you drop off your kids, so please feel free to contact office@gardnerfbc.org with any questions or concerns you may have!
Our committed volunteers love taking care of kids, and they work hard to make sure that these room are a safe and secure environment where parents are able to leave their children and worship and serve without concern. All of our volunteers are well-vetted and have all passed a background check.
Our Sunday mornings are filled with enriching classes that teach kids about Jesus. We want to help you teach your kids about Jesus. Our ministry partners with you in helping show your kids the good news Jesus.
Your child will learn best by experiencing new things. What they see and experience from our teachers through the curriculum and activities will transfer to what they know about the Bible story and Jesus. Your child’s life will be changed because their minds and hearts will be opened to the most important person in their lives, Jesus.
9:00am Service: Children will be with other kids their age. Our volunteers will share God’s love through lesson including storytime, music, snacks, and other activities.
10:30am Service: Children this hour will learn and have the lesson from first hour reinforced.
During 1st service, your 1st-6th graders will join you for the first couple of songs in the service, and then will be dismissed to their teachers who will be waiting in the lobby to take them to class. We are taking a trip through the Bible chronologically in our Bible Hour curriculum. Each class discusses the same passage of scripture, but the lessons are tailored to each age group. You can pick up your kids from their rooms after the service is done.
Children’s Church is available during second service about three times per month (dates are posted above). Your 1st-5th graders will join you for the first couple of songs during the service, and then they will be dismissed to go meet in the Fellowship Hall for a large-group class (the volunteers at the children’s check-in area can help you find that room). You can pick up your kids from the Fellowship Hall after the service is done.
We are always looking for people to help care for and teach our kids! If you’re at all interested in that or have questions about it, please contact Madison at office@gardnerfbc.org.
AWANA is a dynamic, fun-filled ministry for children that teaches them God’s Word and trains them to serve Him. The program runs during the school year, and registration opens every summer. If you have any questions, please contact us at office@gardnerfbc.org!